Fan Made Thanos Halloween Costume Almost Identical To Josh Brolin
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been going strong for a decade, but there's still been some criticism thrown the franchise's way. One of the most common notes from the MCU is that the villains are lacking in depth. That is, until Josh Brolin's Thanos showed up in Avengers: Infinity War to lead the project.
Thanos was basically the star is Infinity War, as the movie focused on his mission to wipe out half the galaxy, revealing the complicated motivation behind this genocidal quest. Plenty of Marvel fans dressed up as heroes or villains for Halloween this year, but one Thanos costume is head and shoulders above the rest-- literally.
Seriously, how awesome is this? Not only is there as spot-on mask made in Josh Brolin's likeness, but he's also got a massive Infinity Gauntlet with lights and sounds. That's some hardcore cosplaying. I guess this fan managed to survive The Snap.
This awesome new cosplay comes to us from reddit user JGoodBerry1, who posted the clip just in time for All Hallow's Eve. Purchasing a superhero costume can put you back a pretty penny, but constructing a film accurate version of Josh Brolin's big purple face is next level. After all, Brolin himself didn't even wear this type of mask or intense makeup, as he filmed Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 through the use of motion capture technology.
The craftmanship of this costume can't be understated, as it's perhaps even more impressive than the Thanos mask that came from the Marvel Cinematic Universe itself. Before Josh Brolin was eventually cast as the Mad Titan, the character made a brief appearance in the end-credits scene of Joss Whedon's The Avengers. In order to bring him to life, a mask was crafted, and worn by a stand-in actor. And the above mask just might be more impressive.
Once Avengers: Infinity War arrived in theaters in April, it became obvious that Thanos was going to be one of the big costume ideas for 2018's Halloween. Josh Brolin's performance was layered and complex, and made for a fascinating moviegoing experience. But cosplaying as the big purple guy brings a multitude of questions. And it's definitely a task easier said than done.
It should be fascinating to see where Thanos goes when Avengers 4 arrives this coming May. The Russo Brothers shocked the fandom by having Thanos succeed in his quest, and destroyed half the galaxy with the snap of a finger. But at what cost? He was forced to kill Gamora in order to procure the Soul Stone from Red Skull. And what's the point of "saving" the galaxy, if you have no one to share it with?
All will be revealed when Avengers 4 arrives in theaters on May 3rd, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.
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