Mark Hamill Is Still Upset That Han, Luke, And Leia Never Reunited In The New Star Wars Trilogy
The past few years have been a very exciting for Star Wars fans. Once Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the galaxy far, far away began to expand at impressive rates. The House of Mouse has released one Star Wars movie every year, starting with The Force Awakens. The current trilogy has brought back the trio of original heroes alongside the new cast, but Mark Hamill has one issue in the way this all went down: Han, Luke, and Leia never reunited.
The sequel trilogy includes OG cast members, but it's largely focused on the new class of heroes in Rey, Finn, and Poe. Instead, Han, Luke, and Leia were each scheduled to get their own big movie, which prevented them from actually sharing scenes together. When speaking about Han's death in The Force Awakens, Mark Hamill made his opinions known, saying:
I just thought, Lukes never going to see his best friend again. You look at it in a self-centered way. I said that it was a big mistake that those three people would never reunite in any way. I guess I was wrong, because nobody seems to care! I have to stipulate that I care, but it didnt really seem to affect the larger audience. Luke, Han and Leia will never be together again, and Ill probably never get to work with Harrison again.
I'm not crying, you're crying. While the Star Wars franchise is taking big risks and churning out a ton of content, Mark Hamill doesn't approve of every change. When it comes to keeping the trio of heroes separate, that's one choice he couldn't vibe with.
Mark Hamill's comments to Den Of Geek make a great deal of sense, especially when it came to the relationship between Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Han was a major presence in The Force Awakens, while Luke was noticeably absent until the blockbuster's final moments. Leia was able to share scenes with both her partner and brother, but Han and Luke weren't so lucky. And as such, Mark Hamill didn't get to work with Harrison Ford again in the franchise that launched their careers into space.
In fact, Luke's friendship with Han was totally lacking from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. The audience didn't get to watch Luke grieve over Han's death, while Han never expressed how much he missed his best friend. So you can't help but empathize with Mark Hamill's feelings. After all, he's both the main hero and biggest cheerleader of the epic space opera.
But Disney has been pushing boundaries and expanding the Star Wars franchise in brave ways. Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi was extremely subversive and went against all the expectations of the sequel. It should be fascinating to see how the Skywalker Saga and current trilogy are wrapped up with J.J. Abrams' mysterious Episode IX.
Episode IX will arrive in theaters on December 20th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.
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